You will learn about the guidelines and policies associated with the use of the Citibank® One Card for purchases, travel, and special events. You will also learn about One Card reconciliations, payments and non-compliance levels.

By taking this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify cardholder responsibilities when issued a One Card 
  2. List purchase and business restrictions
  3. Recall regulatory and UTSA requirements for purchases and travel
  4. Follow policies for using contracted travel and car rental agencies
  5. Determine if vendors/suppliers are on hold with the State of Texas or on the US restricted parties list
  6. Correctly download monthly One Card statements 
  7. Export One Card statement transactions into an Excel spreadsheet and add supporting documentation, such as receipts, proof of vendor/supplier search, Business Expense Form (BEF), etc.
  8. Identify elements of and submit One Card payment vouchers 
  9. Recall internal payment deadlines
  10. Demonstrate knowledge of One-Card non-compliance consequences

Target Audience: All UTSA faculty and staff receiving a One Card and all administrative staff and department managers involved in this process.

Duration: Approximately 2 hours