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Course Description:

UTSA researchers may return to campus to resume research operations that cannot be completed remotely. COVID-19 pandemic requires additional protective measures to ensure the health and safety of the Roadrunner and local community. This training provides researchers with an understanding of those measures and the resources available to support those efforts.

Course Objective(s):

Upon completion of this training, participants will: 1. Understand how COVID-19 spreads and who is at higher risk. 2. Be able to conduct self-health checks. 3. Identify when they are able to come to campus based on their health and exposure. 4. Demonstrate preventative behaviors on campus. 5. Follow the reporting protocol if they experience symptoms of illness. 6. Know what UTSA strategies are being used to protect their health.

Target Audience: The research community, including faculty, staff, and students engaged in on-campus research.

duration: 20 min.

This course is a closed-enrollment course assigned to Benefits-Eligible employees hired after January 19, 2013. When the system assigns the training to you, you will receive an email notification in your UTSA inbox and the course will be listed in the Incomplete Courses block on this homepage. 

The automatic enrollment process takes place every Tuesday, but if you have not been assigned after two (2) weeks of active employment please submit a Support Ticket to Training & Development. For more information on the Standards of Conduct Training process, please visit UTSA Workers' Compensation.